Friday, February 6, 2015

Women's Studies Class Weeks 3 and 4

Savanna Wingard
Money and Ucker
WMS 2000
6 February 2015         
I do not think that the video was very effective in its message about racial injustice in America. The reason being is that they just held up signs; and while those signs had a meaningful message, they did not provide examples of the racial injustice that African Americans are facing. Also, the majority of the signs only had hashtags written on them. I so not use twitter, so I do not completely understand the use of a hashtag. I understand it to a point, but not completely. In addition to that, I have not been watching the news very often, purely because of the lack of time. The only stories I have heard are ones such as Ferguson, where the African American involved was truly in the wrong; and there is evidence to back this up. The police are here for everyone’s protection, and are told that if they feel that their life is in danger, that they should shoot. I would too, if I thought someone was going to injure me, I would do everything I could to defend myself. One of the times that I was watching the news happened to be around the time of the whole Ferguson ordeal. The news station showed a graph of statistics that showed that, on average, more Caucasians are killed by police every year than African Americans. I do not remember which news station it was that I saw this on, but I promise, it was not Fox News. I do not watch Fox News because of its heavy bias. It was CBS, CNN, or my local channel 7 news. Those are the only news stations that I watch. I’m not saying that police brutality doesn’t happen once in a while, but I haven’t seen it directed at one specific race.
            Exploring the hashtags of the video did not bring up as much as I had hoped that they would. There were many linked to organizations demanding change. Here are some of the hashtags that I looked up:
#TrayvonMartin: one of the cases that I did hear about. It was claimed that Zimmerman shot in self defense, and according to police reports and medical reports, he did sustain a head wound and a broken nose. I do not think he shot Trayvon simply because he was an African American. However, I also believe that you probably could not prove beyond a reasonable doubt exactly what happened in the first place.
#Blacklivesmatter: literally just a movement linked to a website.
#Respecttheblackwoman: I found nothing on this. What I did find took me to a website with pictures that did not help me at all.
#forthemillions: mostly what I found was about money or followers. But in this case, I assume it means, “for the millions of African Americans.”

The video connects to the readings from weeks 3 and 4 because it empowers minorities and is a call for change.

Link to video:

"Peace Power Change." Vice. Vice Staff. 13 January 2015. 3 February 2015.

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